Rhode Island is one state which does NOT allow amendment to the constitution by initiative. However, Rhode Island's constitution requires that a constitutional convention be put to the vote every ten years. State assemblymen are still human, and they will listen to you, if there are enough of you. Contact them daily, and voice your opinion on demarchy and its importance to Rhode Island.

It is also plausible, at the state level, to run for a general assembly seat yourself, or encourage a friend to.

It is furthermore plausible to establish a party for this purpose, to better coordinate your vote.

Once the amendment gets on the ballot, it is still imperative that you vote. Amendments require a majority of voters to approve it in an election. Do not forget this step.


Again, the needed elements are:

FIRST: A selected legislative branch:

 Necessitating selection by lot and electoral confirmation of senate and representatives - This is the important element. If nothing else is done, this must be.

 Necessitating three persons jointly and in unison control one seat

 Necessitating removal for misconduct be appropriately punished, and that officers are not permitted to step down

SECOND: A selected executive branch:

 Necessitating selection by lot and electoral confirmation of governor, lieutenant-governor, et al.

 Necessitating three persons jointly and in unison discharge all administrative duties

 Necessitating removal for misconduct be appropriately punished, and that officers are not permitted to step down

THIRD: A selected judicial branch:

 Necessitating selection by lot and electoral confirmation of judges

 Necessitating removal for misconduct be appropriately punished, and that judges are not permitted to step down


The astute will note I have highlighted one item. This is because, all else failing, a general assembly so composed will reasonably be expected to institute the rest of this form of government, both at the state level and at all levels controlled by state law. If the rest of this cannot be pushed through, that item alone will salvage Rhode Island from depredation, and if that item is not present, the rest of this is rather pointless.


Important highlights of the Rhode Island Constitution are thus:

Article IV handles the appointment to legislative and executive branches.

Sections 1 and 2 both address this subject.

Section 1 also lists executive officers.

Article VI empowers the legislative branch.

Section 7 handles expulsion.

Section 8 handles the manner of voting.

Article VII deals with the house of representatives.

Section 1 establishes their number.

Article VIII deals witht he senate.

Section 1 establishes their number.

Article IX empowers the legislative branch.

Article X empowers the judicial branch.

Section 4 handles the appointment of state judges.

Section 7 handles the appointment of judges of lesser courts.

Article XI empowers the assembly to impeach.


On the county and city levels, similar changes will need to be made. These matters are handled by law or other parts of the constitution. I have faith that a citizen general assembly in Rhode Island will attend to this problem with due urgency and care.